Tag Archives: TMZ

Kimye and the Baby Devil

Image via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pregnant-doll.jpg

“My dreams have come true!”                                                       Image via http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Pregnant-doll.jpg

Kidding. I have to say that I will not be posting this rapidly in the future, hopefully a post every day or other day. However, recent news in gossip has dragged my hands to my keyboard again. Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are having a baby? Are we prepared for this? According to TMZ, on December 30, 2012, Kanye made the announcement during a concert in Atlantic City. He stated “God brought us a whole new plan baby. ‘Cause now you’re having my baby.”

Ignoring the cheesy lyrics this is huge news for Kimye fans, and means diddly squat to those of us who are indifferent. However, I thought that this was an interesting development considering Kim’s highly publicized relationship disasters. In my last post I talked about women feeling inadequate because they are of X age and still haven’t found love or the right job, etc and so forth. It makes me wonder if Kim has this fear as well. She’s in her thirties, unmarried, previously without any kids and sandwiched between two sisters who have relatively successful relationships. Pressure much?

Kim hasn’t even been with Kanye for a year. As a matter of fact, the gossip world is still reeling from her 72 day marriage and the jokes about it haven’t even died down yet. Now she’s in another world-wind romance that has led to a baby in less than a year. Well, at least she didn’t do anything permanent like get married again. Holy shit, wait, BABIES ARE AS PERMANENT AS IT GETS!!!!!!

Hmmm… I guess we’ll have to wait this one out. Best of luck Kimye…?

Here’s the link to TMZ’s original report on the announcement. What do you think? Will they make good parents?


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