Tag Archives: W8WTF

New Music: Zebra Katz

The song’s name is W8WTF and I have to say I had that very reaction while watching the video: then I loved it. This song is not that new in terms of how fast songs come and go in the music industry, having been released in August 2012, but Zebra Katz is incredibly underrated and forurbanchix had to bring this song to its readers. W8WTF has a low key tone and feel to it. It’s definitely not a song that you will jump up and down to, but the that is a part of the appeal. Njena Reddd Foxxx makes another appearance in this video, although not a lyrical one, her presence is felt. Also, while there isn’t an overt sexual element as in their first video together (see the link below) there is most certainly an underlying sexual element to it, which is most appreciated. Zebra Katz and producer Boyfriend have given the video a dark feel, without being over the top with demonic and assaulting elements (do you hear that Tyler the Creator? It’s getting to be a bit much now. You can stop. Seriously.) I have to say I really do like this song and I hope that Zebra Katz makes another appearance in 2013 because he is full of potential.

Here is a link to his song with Foxxx titled “Ima Read.” Which, in case it confuses you, has borrowed elements from vogue and vogue culture, producing a beautifully gritty video and a catchy song.

Here is Azealia Banks Remix:

And here is some awesome choreography, by House of Mo, to the remix:


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January 7, 2013 · 7:10 pm